Thursday, 11 February 2021

The role of Private tuition (私人補習) in recent times

It is evident that those who understand the importance of education will never joke with it and that is quite expedient. Without mincing words, there are several ways to get educated or taught a particular subject in the twenty-first century. A lot of people have always thought that the use of the four walls of the classroom would be the only place where knowledge can be passed. This is far from being true and the advent of advanced technology has brought about several ways through which tuition can be done, especially Group tuition (小組補習) and many other means through which education can be achieved.

 The level of education and how compliant people are with getting trained and taught will determine how far a country or state would go in the proceedings of the twenty-first century and beyond. A lot of individuals have not noticed that it is excellent education entrenched in a nation that brings about composite innovation and development. Therefore, everybody should be taking it seriously these days. Since the advent of information technology and the access of most people to the internet, the ways through which teaching is done are quite different from the past. In recent times, people began talking about Online tuition (線上補習) which is considered the most convenient form of tuition for students. They can learn anytime and anywhere as long as there is an internet connection through which they can connect.

Click here to know more about #Online tuition (線上補習

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